
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Christmas Party Invitation!

I'm so excited!  The first Christmas party invitation has arrived; but even more exciting was what the hostess will be wearing~red shoes!  That just gets my creative juices flowing-you know how I love red shoes and really thought they looked great at the wedding here.

So after I asked her if it was okay; I'll be sporting my red shoes also.  (Maybe this could be a theme?)  Then I got this vision:

Maybe a neutral color dress, pink tights and my red shoes!  Another possibility--red tights, red shoes.(see this link)  I know this is a vision.....
You can see the pins where the projected hem is to go.  Not looking too party girl yet, you say?  I'm figuring a cute-sparkly-belt-thingy maybe...It'll be better---trust me.  I have plan B just in case......

Anyone else with their party dress plans?


  1. That is a great dress and I can't wait to see it when it is finished. The color is wonderful on you.

  2. I wanna go somewhere that I can wear a party dress and red shoes!!!

    I love red shoes. You can't look at your feet in red shoes and not be happy!!

  3. I do!! We are going to my work Christmas Party Saturday night and I already have my dress picked out! Can't wait to show pictures!!

  4. My husband and I are going to Trans Siberian Orchestra's Christmas show on Saturday night and I know exactly what I am going to wear. I little bling and a little velvet! I am so jealous of your talents with drawing and sewing. How fun to be a blogger and be able to do both of those. The dress looks great!

  5. One of the best parts about the Christmas season, dressing up! 4 parties and counting. Yippee

  6. I love the idea of a red-shoe themed party. I think I need to host one!

  7. Gah! I've been trying to ignore the invitations I am so swamped with work right now. I love the lines in this dress and I can see the swinginess the skirt will have at its eventual length.

    Must know though about those tights--bubblegum pink?

  8. Red shoes + red tights looks good to me.

  9. Thanks, Lisa! its a navy blue; much better for me than black--I don't look good in black!
    Joy~so true! Happy feet in red shoes...
    Serene~can't wait to see the pics...
    Pam~sounds like you have a great plan; pics? Thanks for your kind words!
    Silvergirl~WOW; lots of parties for you, gf! Over the years, we have lost a lot of parties...
    Vanessa~Just red would be too tame for you--you should have a RAINBOW shoe party!
    Terri~"all work and no play..." Tights probably ballet pink, saw some maroon ones today.
    Rose~that will be the safety pair. I'm dying to see how the pink ones look.
