
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Green, Turquoise, Brown and Red--oh, and Black

jacket~Emanual Ungaro; Building 19
leggings~Nordtrom Rack
boots~Nine West
 Call me crazy, but I love the color combo of the bright green jacket contrasting with the brown and turquoise tunic.  And did I go with brown leggings?  Nope.  Too matchy-matchy.   But I did go with the black boots and the black leggings--for the line.

It's tough weathering the cold to take pictures!  I will go outside in my coat, set up the camera and then disrobe....burrrrr.  Just one pose today without a coat!

coat~Ann Klein, cashmere, Marshall's
 And have I told you what a key winter item this longer coat is for your wardrobe?  It hides any outfit if you are just dashing out for an errand--one advantage of winter--you can hide all types of sins underneath a coat.  Better to have a beautifully tailored one, rather than a big puff--gives you more of a put together look.  Oh, and a head's up:  my friend said she can't find a longer coat anywhere this year.  If you do see one, grab it! 


  1. Paula, this is so great! I love all the colors. It works, I think, because you've kept the bottom very neutral....just so pretty. BTW, what an AMAZING coat that is! Cashmere? Oh my!!! You'll have that FOREVER!! ~Serene

  2. These bright colors are beautiful. I love the coat...daughter #2 has thrifted me an Anne Klein coat which I've yet to see, but I doubt it is in this gorgeous red. And I like the green jacket as well.

  3. Paula, your coat is just chic and fun at the same time! I wish I had the cold weather to wear such a wonderful coat. I also like your color combos...great job!!

  4. Love the red coat, and of course I adore all the colors going on in the outfit photo. You're right! I like the turquoise with that green... so spring-like and hopeful!

  5. I grabbed a very similar coat to this last year (thrifted, 70s, but also red), and couldn't agree more.

    Love the green with the blue - of course it goes!

    All the best to you for 2011, Paula!

  6. Serene~I think you are right--without the neutrals, it would have been a hot mess!
    Terri~I love your camel coat though. How long is that?
    Pam`throw all the colors in there and see what you get!
    Vanessa~I don't even know if these colors make sense on the color wheel--sometimes its just instinct.
    Sheila~I think you will find yourself being very lucky to have found that coat!
