
Friday, November 12, 2010

Friend Friday

This is my first Friend Friday and I am excited!  Hope I get the Linky-Blinky thing right this week; I flunked last week!

Topic: Blogger Self Promotion

1. How do you promote your blog?
I post a couple of links a week on facebook to my blog. I mention it to friends and acquaintances; I do have a business card with my blog on it. I am a member of Twitter, but I don’t see many people my age tweeting. I actively seek out other blogs in my demographic, and make friends.

2. In your experience what has been the most effective form of self promotion?
Not Facebook or Twitter. One facebook friend visits my blog! The most effective is making real connections with people—finding friends in the blog world; good, old honest networking.

3. Do you think there is a wrong way to promote yourself and your blog?
Does the end justify the means? Sometimes. From my demographic though, I don’t think people want all the noise—the constant facebook reminders, the tweets, the newsletters. I think this is offensive for my age group, which is over 50, by the way.

4. When is comes to others pushing their product what annoys you?
When “the push” comes off as bragging, when its been done a million times before, when it doesn’t go away.

5. In Dressful's post on this topic earlier in the week she said,

"It's impossible to respect someone who wants all the attention, but adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation." Do you agree?
Absolutely! I read Dressful’s post, and it started off with the annoyance of blog promotion in “comments”. Maybe there is a correlation between blatant self-promotion and unoriginal content. Regardless, painfully true is the fact there are no shortcuts. It takes hard work from the content you post, to the connections you cultivate. But I’m still lovin’ it!


  1. Paula--You know I hadn't thought about it, but you're right that women our age aren't big fans of the hyper-twittering and facebook reminders.

    What does your card look like and who made it for you?

  2. Terri~Yes, I think our demographic has a different standard, no? We should talk more about this too...
    I made my card..I have a graphic design background sooo...It's called the "Wardrobe Guru" and I'll show it to you via email or it may be on FB...

  3. Congrats on your Friend Friday. I love reading all of these thought provoking posts. It's interesting that your demographic has different has different needs then the average. That wouldn't have occurred to me.

  4. Found you via Trudy's site and landed on your Friend Friday...very interesting. I agree about the Tweeting and Facebooking. I do it since it seems to work and I have an online shop, but I don't "get it". Personally, I don't see any advantages to shopping in this fashion, but many do. This is where I get most of my buyers. It just puzzles me, but I look no gift horses in the mouth. I'm your newest follower. I'm adding your site to my bloglist so I can follow your latest postings.

  5. I think it all depends on whether the blogger sees their blog as a community or a business. In the latter case, you need a certain amount of Goggle Friends and Alexa rank to get sponsors, and this is where the aggressive marketing techniques come in.
    (And speaking of community, I added your site to my brand new blogroll! Unfortunately, the font is small, but I'm working on that!)

  6. I struggle with wondering how to promote, too. Even though I'm 19, I'm not terribly into Facebook and Twitter myself. In fact, I was thinking about getting some business cards and actually trying to do some in-real-life networking. I get a lot of comments on my style, and that seems like such a perfect "in" to giving someone a cool little card advertising my blog.

    I think what you have going on here is great, but you definitely do have a unique set of challenges. All of that said, it seems like you're going pretty strong!


  7. Good answers my friend.

  8. Paula, great answers! You're so right...there may not be any age related rules regarding fashions, but there certainly seem to be regarding blogging and promotion. Nothing wrong with that at all, I guess you and I just have to know who our readers are and who our blogs attract. ~Serene

  9. well, this is a perfectly appropriate post for what i have to say - Paula, thank you SO MUCH for posting my site in the Advanced Style senior bloggers post comments!!!! that was so kind and thoughtful of you. i had no idea until i looked at my stats ("hmmmm...") and saw the post (i get behind on keeping up with my site-reading).

    it's very exciting that we're starting to 'conglomerate' some of the 40-50+ style bloggers. let's keep our eyes open for any 'new blood' out there! thank you again, and watch your back - i owe you one ; ) steph

  10. I had to laugh when I read your comments about Twitter! I'm trying to use it, but it sort of gives me a headache, to be honest. I look for you there. :)

  11. Ashley~Its a little weird but I hope it gets better. Thanks for stopping by!
    Thanks Karen and I will stop by your site also. I am wondering about the next step--an online store or whatever. Best of luck to you!
    Thanks Jo Francis! Sometimes the end DOES justify the means...
    Sophi~thanks so much for commenting Sophi, as I guess each demographic has its own peculiar type of quirks. A lot of fashion bloggers love the Moo biz cards I've heard...
    Sacramento~Thanks fellow fashionista~
    Serene~I agree, we have to know a little about our followers....
    tiny~ you are welcome--it is my pleasure! Lets spread the word....
    I know Anne--gives me a headache too! It overwhelms me--guess that happens at my age....
