
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Construction Friendly?

Have you ever seen one of those bulldogs that are sort of a patchwork of other dogs?  Short legs in front, taller legs in back, legs pointing in on the front, and regular in back.  Well, that's the way I feel today.  Just sort of a patchwork.


In keeping with this week's theme of digging in my closet, these pieces are ones I don't wear often.  I'm always trying to find friends for this blue, silk blouse.  And the skirt?  I made it a few years ago, and every year it gets a little tighter.  The boots, now there is a whole story behind them.  I've been feeling a little over-dressed at work.  I don't want to make the guys uncomfortable, so I had to tone it down a bit.  I went for the long, leg look with the monochromatic colors on the bottom--was that enough to bring it down to a "construction" level?  Hmmmmmm


  1. You made that skirt? That's AMAZING! It's gorgeous up against the vibrant blue of the blouse. Again, those bright colors are beautiful on you! ~Serene

  2. I can't believe you made the is amazing! The detailing and fit...such talent!

  3. I love the blouse and the color of it on you! And the boots. I really like "dashing eccentric's" approach to footwear and this reminds me of it a bit.

    Any comments about it from the guys?

  4. love the color of the blouse.
    love to throw an unexpected shoe with an outfit too

  5. You know, I have to be honest, Paula, I don't love this outfit. I like all the individual pieces (that blue satin shirt is stunning and I am all over that cream pencil skirt), but the colour of the shrug is a little blah with this.

    The shoes...just no. Not with this outfit.

    I'm sorry, but I gotta call it as I see it. YOU are gorgeous, and the pieces are groovy. The outfit, not so much. :)

  6. Serene~I like the blue satin too--but like I say, I never find enough to wear with it!
    Pam~And the skirt used to fit better, but I can still get in it!
    Terri~I can see the Steph in this look--altho she would have some pretty lace top and stockings to balance it out! No word from the guys--would they dare to comment????
    Silvergirl~I just felt like the boots were calling me.....
    Freeda~I'm wearing it as much as I can, as i dont know if it'll still fit me next year!
    Sheila~Thanks for your honesty, GF! You are right, a little too much beige--which reminds me I read a good quote on beige.."never go beige into that good night, there will be more than enough time for neutrals in the darkness of the grave." (Thoughtful Dresser, pg. 146) HA don't you love it? Anyway, and the shoes, well not really meant seriously..but I did wear them!:~)

  7. That silk blue blouse is brilliant! I think you should wear it more often!

    You look beautiful!

    Stay Happy and Positive!




  8. It's hard to judge shades on computer monitors, but it looks from here like the blue blouse might work fabulously with yesterday's print skirt.

  9. You made the skirt?! Wow, painting, drawing and now this; clearly the talent knows no bounds :)

  10. Thanks, ML!
    Parisgrl~ You may be right--there is a little purplish blue in the previous skirt--and althogh it has a very unflattering waistline, it might work together--thanks so much for your insight!
    northeastchic~ I'm blushing....

  11. I love the skirt and the blouse together... but the rest of the outfit is all over the place. Sorry.
